Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taking it to the next level

Well, I took the leap. The pursuit of meaning in my life has led me to graduate school....to pursue meaning academically. :) As I learn more about the boundless field of communication, I am discovering the field of phenomenology, an area of study entirely dedicated to the process of meaning-making. Seeking, searching, and striving, only to arrive here, where I've always been. :)

In the mere weeks that I have been here, I feel my mind stretching, I feel myself being challenged in new ways, and I find myself in pursuit of my true calling. What Ken Robinson would term "The Element".

The path to our element is not always clear. Sometimes we have to crawl towards it, slowly and blindly. But we find our way eventually, if we refuse to give up, refuse to spend a life in the shadows.

I encourage all of you to keep searching, keep stretching, and keep seeking. The answers to the questions are out there. But as any true seeker knows, it's really the questions that matter anyway.