Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year!

It is a new year! Although it may be cliched, I have always enjoyed the process of resolution, and the feeling of a new year ahead full of limitless possibilities.

I have resolved to get back in touch. My work schedule has hindered my personal relationships to a frightening degree, but I vow to do all I can to begin rebuilding those relationships that I have been neglecting. 

I have resolved to have more substantive conversations. I miss the tingly feeling of those conversations that challenge the mind and spark the soul.

I have resolved to finish books and work on my attention span! In our ever-accelerating society, wherein online forums contain a "too long, didn't read" summary expectation for paragraph-long stories, I refuse to surrender my brain to this new social/intellectual norm.

I have resolved to eat better. This may be the most difficult one of all. Gone are the days of my 21 year old self that could live on a junk food diet without bodily consequences.

I have resolved to be the kind of person I'd like to be around. I think this is something that I have been neglecting lately. It is easy, when you find yourself loved, to convince yourself that that is enough. It isn't. We must constantly maintain a standard for ourselves, and strive to be the person we want to be.

I have resolved to build my knowledge base. The information that we have at our fingertips! What a shame to take that for granted. Education tends to be staunchly segmented, at times to a fault. It stands to reason that if I am to pursue a degree in Interpersonal Communication, I should have a strong baseline in psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology. Even if I do not get into the program, I would like to pursue classes in these areas. Additionally, I want to dedicate myself to independent study as well. I need to wake my brain up. 

I want to rediscover music. This is another area of my life that has found itself neglected. I miss the soul spark that occurs when a song touches you.

New year, new possibilities. In a world constantly moving, always looking for the next upgrade, don't forget to upgrade yourself!

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